

Manuel , a year 4 student from MonWed@1930, e-mailed me the following very interesting "piece of history" on one of the controversial items in the Listening paper (March '08 exams):

The tiny nation of Andorra declared war on Germany in 1914 along with many other nations. However, the Versailles Peace Treay failed to include the nation and it remained at war with Germany throughtout the 1920´s and 30´s.

The country´s army was composed of 10 people and its military budget was 4 dollars per year. The soldiers, however, wore pins reading “TOUCH ME IF YOU DARE”, the country´s national motto.

In 1939 found itself involved in 2 world wars at once. A peace treaty was finally signed with Germany on september 25, 1939. This document ended, officially, the First World War.

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